It was Sunday morning. And I was late for church. Like really late. Not to
mention I had not attended in weeks, and my 15 month old was not all
that interested in sleeping. Here I was, rushing to get us to church, and
all I could think was ‘ I need coffee’.
These 3 words were repeating in my head as I drove to the church, and I
was more then tempted to stop by my local coffee shop and grab my
favourite cup of liquid happiness. Usually I wouldn’t flinch, but today, I
was conflicted. Between my desire for the daily pick-me-up and my
desire to be spiritually fed.
Here’s the thing. The last few weeks had been a real challenge. A lot of
things in our life had popped up and frankly had tested my faith, my
strength, my peace more then I liked to talk about.
I was drained.
But something told me to just go and show up, de-caffeinated, at church
and risk looking like the sleep-deprived, faith challenged woman I was.
So went straight to church. I lugged my baby out and dropped him off at
the creche service – thank God for these volunteers!
I saw my mother worshiping her heart out and quietly took a place
beside her. I stood and listened, sang a little and just closed my eyes
and opened my heart, sharing everything quietly with the Creator who
knew it anyway, but was waiting for me to connect with Him – to lay it all
down – to be in His presence.
A few minutes later, my mother nudges me. ‘Do you want this coffee? I
bought it from the café but I don’t need this much.’ I looked at her and
stared. Little did she know that in that one sentence and gesture, she
was affirming my faith. Literally. You would have thought I had just been
given the gold ticket to Charlie and the chocolate factory... but it was a
cup of coffee, and it was a message, directly from the Creator – to
remind me that He saw me. And I mattered, and my desires mattered,
even the little ones.
In Luke 12.7 it says: Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all
numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
When you put God first, he grants the desires of your heart – even the
small, embarrassing ones you don’t really want to share.
I was able to worship God, freely, and have my latte – the best things in life in my
opinion! Yes, coffee helps me show up as the magical person I like to
be, but God – when you put Him first, He gives you a portion that goes
well beyond a coffee cup.
Put Him first – put connecting with Him first,
and I promise you, the rest will fall into place.
Want to see more stuff like this? I write about faith, business and motherhood (and coffee, a lot of coffee). Sign up to my mailing list and I'll send you a free guide: 6 steps to create a career you'll absolutely love: https://www.lifeonherterms.com/ .